Legal Notice
Responsible for the Content:
Arcotello Deutschland GmbH
Hauptstraße 3
50181 Bedburg-Kaster
Phone: +49 2272 980-0
Fax: +49 2272 980-200
Managing Directors: Carlos Dos Santos und Adrianus Jacobus Buijs
Registry Court: Local Court of Cologne, HRB 90886
VAT ID: DE 305319533
Responsible according to § 6 Abs.2 MDStV: Carlos Dos Santos and Adrianus Jacobus Buijs
Our Terms and Conditions (AGB)
The company is not obligated to participate in dispute resolution procedures before a consumer arbitration board.
Platform for Online Dispute Resolution by the European Commission:
At this point, we must include the obvious but legally necessary disclaimer that this homepage explicitly distances itself from right-wing extremist, racist, or pornographic sites that could be linked through the links listed here.
With the judgment of 12.05.1998 (312 O 85 98 'Liability for Links'), the Regional Court of Hamburg decided that by placing a link, one may be responsible for the contents of the linked page. This can only be prevented, according to the LG, by explicitly distancing oneself from these contents. We hereby expressly distance ourselves from all contents of all linked pages on our homepage. This declaration applies to all links placed on our website.